We played Chudyk game at BGDG again last night. Here are the notes: Kenetic accumulator is powerful - (is it too powerful?) The game still seems too short. Discard a minion to follow an action? Have 4 unique tokens (one for each minion type) Have shared minion cards and use tokens to determine how many minions you have. Here is my current plan for the near future: Decide if the game can still fit into 18 cards - I think I will have to double the deck size and see how that works out. Add in all 6 card types from the get go, and make 6 cards of each type? Come up with a name for this game. Try out tokens instead of minions (either through shared cards, or just tokens) Look over the abilities and make sure that they still all seem balanced Consider the visual aspect of the game - does it want to be spruced up for SaltCon? I am starting to think that I want to submit this game to the Ion Awards next year, so I have to