Probably joining the BGDG

I have started on some artwork for witch hunt. It still is not complete by any means, but it is closer to what I want than the white paper with black writing that I used to have.

The cards were designed by me, and the art was drawn by Kit Cox. I found it on the Discworld Wiki. I am currently tracking down Kit and asking him permission to use it, but I have not succeeded so far in contacting him. (He is no longer active on the wiki, and the last time he posted there was 6 years ago). I think that I have found him on Facebook, but it remains to be seen weather it really is him or not.

I am trying to come up with ways to speed up the game, and I think that lowering the number of testimony cards will do that. Perhaps that will be enough, but perhaps I will have to do more.

I am being quoted on another Kickstarter campaign (this time by tasty minstrel games, so a bigger campaign than last time).

I have not gotten as many games of Harbour in as I would have liked recently. With summer vacations and conferences lots of guys are gone each day and it is harder to get a group together.

I have been trying to get my schedule set up in such a way that would allow me to join the Board Game Designer's Guild of Utah for a while. I finally gave up and tried to set up my own group (which was largely unsuccessful). After trying to go it alone, I was finally able to get my schedule changed to allow me to attend the BGDG's meetings. It meets on the 2nd and the 4th Tuesdays of every month. It looks like the 24th will be an interesting day :).

Also, I have some artwork for the Judge cards for dancing robots. Here are some examples:
Obviously they are not as good as Dave's art, but I am working with what I have. 


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