Grab the Loot... again

More work has been done on PlaytestHub, and it is coming closer to completion. I have about 20 open issues with it in my bug tracker, so I am coming to a close. That being said, Google just announced a new database technology for firebase, so I might wastespend some time converting it into a newer technology.

We have been playing Grab the Loot at work some more, and the new changes are solidifying into a better form. I have been trying to figure out what changes would allow the game to play the same, but have the scores tighter. I am taking pictures of people's end game situation after most games now, so that I can keep tabs on what any given change will do to the scoring.

I think that I have found a scoring method that will work pretty well:
Items are worth 2 points each.
Coins are worth 1 point each.
3+n bonus points are awarded to the player with the most of any given item, where n is the number of cards in the Greed matching the item.

In the game that we played today a degenerate strategy where a player takes the first action every turn and gets 2 points a turn was discovered. It was surprisingly effective, so I am going to nerf it (it would lead to boring play). Other than that player, everyone was pretty close to each other score-wise.


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