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I submitted Grab the Loot! to DV Giochi this week. I was originally preparing the game for Mayday games, but as I got to know Daniel better, I am not so sure it will fit with the direction that Mayday is going. Grab the Loot! definitely seems like something DV Giochi would like.

I haven't yet finished up with Age of Vikings, however I have been making good strides in Jurassic Universe. My wife and I played a game and talked through some major changes last night. I think it should balance the game nicely. I have also been using math to make the number of cards more correct, and have been toying with re-adding the tech deck.

Micronesia is currently on the back burner, I have been devoting its time to a Chronicles of Amber game currently in a really early stage. The game started when I listened to a podcast by Jason Tagmire, which reminded me of a "hell ride" from the Amber universe. The game is not really appropriate for Button Shy games, so Jason probably didn't help to create something that he would consider publishing in the future, but it is looking like it could be an interesting game once it is done.

We haven't played the gorilla game for a while. I have been sick, and didn't go in to work (work from home is a great option if you ask me, because who wants to be a plague-bearer?) I expect to get back into it some time soon, however.

I have also been starting to add some artwork to The Madness Place. It is going to take a lot of time, but perhaps it will help the game to stand out during the Ion Award judging.


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