After a post on BGG, I decided that the Carl Chudyk style copy game should be named "Infamous!". We played it again at the BGDG meeting tonight. Here is the notedump: Make reference sheets Change graveyard to morgue Make more cards go to the graveyard - perhaps up to 2x the number of cards as there are players. Consider a new max minion count and write it down record the "draw a card" basic action follow Minion actions should be able to be swapped for a "draw a card" Kenetic accumulator - doesn't immediately build 2 cost cards that were already started - you need to specify them as the target of a build for them to finish Figure out a way to make tinker care about what you are tinkering. Right now tinkering to any given card is not a choice. It doesn't matter at all. fix power levels volcanic probe - too powerful kenetic accumulator - bring all 3 cost cards up to this level autocrammer - draw 4 cards is stoopid antimemetic weapo...