
After a post on BGG, I decided that the Carl Chudyk style copy game should be named "Infamous!".

We played it again at the BGDG meeting tonight. Here is the notedump:

  • Make reference sheets
  • Change graveyard to morgue 
  • Make more cards go to the graveyard - perhaps up to 2x the number of cards as there are players.
  • Consider a new max minion count and write it down 
  • record the "draw a card" basic action follow
  • Minion actions should be able to be swapped for a "draw a card"
  • Kenetic accumulator - doesn't immediately build 2 cost cards that were already started - you need to specify them as the target of a build for them to finish
  • Figure out a way to make tinker care about what you are tinkering. Right now tinkering to any given card is not a choice. It doesn't matter at all.
  • fix power levels
    • volcanic probe - too powerful
    • kenetic accumulator - bring all 3 cost cards up to this level
    • autocrammer - draw 4 cards is stoopid
    • antimemetic weapon - make it get rid of itself
      • add a new ability that allows you to get it back by drawing from the graveyard/morgue
  • When you can draw - is it a may or a must?
  • remove counting the hand size when scoring.
  • "too many ways to build"
  • "too many split actions"
  • "grave rob is not used"
  • "too many abilities to read on cards"
  • trenchcoat generator totally stops torture - is that bad?
  • first build for craftsman should be free
  • "hypnotize is the best thing that you can do with a metal card"
  • make each card have one very simple ability (using an icon language), and one more complex ability
  • change tinker
    • tinker tokens?
    • make the cards have to match in some way?
    • make the cards act off of the other cards ability
    • use the timing of the other ability
  • Make craftsman grab tokens that you later add to the cards.
  • spend craft or tinker tokens to activate effects?
  • "I don't feel like I am building things"
  • Unlock actions by building matching device
  • make a card or card type that lets you mooch abilities from other player's cards for a time
  • focus on making the game have interlocking parts that allow for combos in the boundaries. 
  • add cool downs for abilities?
  • add things that unbuild themselves (autocrammer?)
  • make the graveyard more fluid
  • name some minion alchemist
  • flesh should be graverobber?
  • vivisection?
  • Apothecary
  • Killbot
  • Golem
  • clockwork
  • aether
Here are some thoughts for right now:
If I make tinker a core aspect of the game, I can make card abilities that build on each other in ways that matter

separate trigger from effect, and only tinker in the effect. (that might be insanity.)

draw a card when you craft/tinker is a good ability

Consider adding in the Impulse "boostable" abilities, and when you make a tinker occur, it boosts based on the infamy of the card added? 

I am also working on a bunch of games for a new contest - the Buttonshy 18 identical cards contest, which is going on right now. Its requirements are crazy enough that it makes for really interesting constraints. I'll only get to submit one, but I am seeing which one is the best. So far I have 8 ideas that are buzzing around in my head.


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