Yet Another Infamous Brain Dump

Playtested infamous at the board game design guild again last night. here are my notes (and my thoughts about them now):
  • Draw from the bottom of the deck? (no!)
  • Can you add more than 1 material for a build? 2? (2 would be worth trying)
  • Can you spend minions to build or tinker? (no)
  • Gadgets cannot trigger minions - make sure to specify this strong in the rules (ok)
  • add icons to ability names to remind you what type of card the ability is on (I'll give it a try)
  • start with 2 minions? (that would have to be an alternate rule - the basic game needs to be simpler, not more complex!)
  • revivification matrix - always ability is too powerful (move it to a more expensive chassis?)
  • rename hypnotist to mortician? revivificationist? (undertaker, grave digger, enbalmer, but what action would they perform? resuscitate? reanimate? revivify?)
    • (put names on each card of what its action is called?)
  • Baghdad capacitor's "At the start of your turn" ability hits too often - make it less common.
  • carapace fertilizer's "At the start of your turn" timing costs too little to activate - it should be 2 (Review these all)
  • the other ability on B.C. is too weak for a 3 (move to weaker chassis)
  • change repairman to:
    • mechanic? mechanist? technician? operator? engineer? architect? gadgeteer? inventor? (but what action? upgrade?)
  • skeleporter - rename graveyard to morgue. (Review these all)
  • make sure all cards refer to parts, not materials (Review these all)
I really need to finish the rule book for this, so I'm probably going to delay some of these for a bit.


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