
We have had some sick girls over the last little bit, so I have not gotten into much gaming recently (That is besides the regular Resistance games at lunch, and the periodic games of the game that I dreamed up).

Recent playtesting has made some changes to the game. I am not really happy right now about the pacing of the game. It takes too long to play, but I am not sure what to do to make it faster. Perhaps I will make the profit margins larger.

Also, I think that the name of the game will be something like 'Collusion', or 'Price-Fixing'

Right now the rules are as follows:
Each player has a color. Your Goods tokens are tokens of your color.
Each player starts with 4 Goods tokens.
The game alternates between selling and buying phases.
If any player ever has 30 money they win the game.

During a selling phase:
  • nd4 are rolled, where n is the number of players. The sum of the roll is m, or the demand. This will be used to calculate how many goods will be purchased at the end of the round.
  • The player with the most Goods goes first. In the event of a tie, the player who has the most actual cash (meaning non game currency) on hand goes first. Players with fewer goods than the player that just played are skipped (so that everyone ends in the same round of play).
  • Players take turns 'offering' one or more Goods for sale at a price (2-6). To do this they place the good on the board at the back of the queue which corresponds to the price that they are attempting to sell at.
  • Players may discuss with each other the price that they desire to sell at, and attempt to form alliances and fix the price wherever they want to. No agreements are binding.
  • Players may always offer 1 or 2 goods for sale, but may only offer more goods for sale if they have at least double that many goods (E.G. having 6 goods enables you to sell 3 at a time, and 8 would allow you to sell 4 at a time)
  • Play proceeds in a clockwise direction.
  • When all players have no goods left to offer, roll 1d6, and modify the demand according to the following table:
  • m Goods are sold in the following order: Lowest -> highest price, first -> last good offered.
  • All remaining goods are not sold.

During a buying phase:
  • The players may all buy as many goods as they desire.
  • The price of goods is calculated thus: floor(a) where floor means round down, and a is the average (mean) sale price of last round. Sale price does not include the price of goods that were not actually sold. 
Use median sale price - 1 instead of average round down for the price of goods.
Remaining goods could deprecate (obsolesce?) in value. Perhaps lose 50% of your unsold goods each round?


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