Witch Hunt

We played a game of Eminent Domain at work. They would play it again, but I have not brought it back yet since I have been working on one of my goals for the year, and I have not been playing lunch games for this last week. The games continue without me (I made the group, but it has taken a life of its own, so even when I am not there it continues).

I did publish a new version of Dancing Robots online (with the mostly completed artwork), but haven't done much else on that front recently.

I finally got my Dominion base set cards sleeved, and I decided to put all the cards from all the dominion expansions that I own into one box. The expansions that I own are: Dominion, Intrigue, Hinterlands, and Dark Ages (Also a copy of Platnum, Colony, and Walled Village).

I measured that I could just barely not fit three rows of cards into the box (the box is 1mm too narrow), but I decided that I would build it as if I could fit all the cards in anyway, and perhaps try to compress the foam core board that I am using to make the insert by 1mm and not have to do anything tricky to make it work.

After building the thing the cards all fit into the box, but the ones in the middle row need to go in diagonally. It is a good temporary solution, but I will probably end up compressing the insert at some time.

I had an idea today that since I am having trouble with my current game due to a theme incompatibility, I should come up with a theme first and then try to make a game around it (Moar Moai is a game like that). I thought that a witch hunt could be a fun theme, so I asked started asking Alison for advice about characters in a witch hunt setting, and their motivations. We came up with some fun ideas, and think that we might have another game in it's infancy.

So far it goes like this:

1 player is a witch
n players are townsfolk
(there is the possibility of more characters, but for now let's leave it at that.)

Everyone has cards that allow them to cast blame on people or exonerate people (each player has 2 blame and two exonerate cards as well as an 'I don't know anything' card). The cards have a range of values on them (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2), and they are played face down. Everyone knows who played what card on who, but not the value of the card until the end of the game.

One card is played a turn, and at the end of the game the cards are all revealed and the players with negative scores all die. If the witch dies the townsfolk gain 1 points each, and anyone with their -2 point blame card on the witch gets an additional 1 point. Players who die all get -1 point, and if the witch doesn't die she gets +2 points.

During a players turn they should also be able to gain information about the other people in the game (either through mutual card sharing, or perhaps a deck of cards that they draw from and play.)

An option that we discussed is to give each person a public persona that is merely a name, and also give them cards that dictate which persona they like or dislike. If the person that they liked or disliked was eliminated or not eliminated (as would make sense) at the end of the game then they get a bonus point.

It is possible that these public persona also give special abilities that would effect the way that the game goes (like a church/law person that controls the threshold of death, or an investigator that could look at one persons card one time.)

We need to put more thought into the game, but it sounds sort of fun already.


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