Again with the finalists!

It was recently announced that the two games that I submitted to the ION Award are both finalists! I am super excited. I need to start preparing to present them. In order to do that I created the ION Award finalist showcase meetup. I got one of the other finalists to agree to present his game, and I have another finalist that might also show up, so we will practice our presentations and hopefully improve our preparation level.

I have put up Moar Moai, Polynesia, and Sorcery, Inc. on to tabletop simulator. The three of them can be found here for those who have TTS, and are interested in trying them out.

I also had an idea for a terrible game. Perhaps the guy that made cards against humanity could make it. In the game: each player starts with a certain number of cards that represent facial features. Players play until one player has had plastic surgery on their entire face. Players take turns getting plastic surgery (and use up their money to do so). Roll dice to see the result. Low scores indicate you were disfigured permanently. Different plastic surgeons have different chances of disfiguring you (the cheapest ones tend to do it more often.) When the game ends the player with the most 'beautiful' face wins, where beautiful is defined as the most things changed by plastic surgery. There could also be the ability to earn money at beauty pageants (which are incredibly unlikely), or getting an education (which makes you immediately lose the game.)


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