The month of rules editing begins

By the end of NagaDemon "The Madness Place" was playable, but not finished by any stretch of the imagination. Alison and I played a game right at the end where we finished the entire game, and though it all worked, the game definitely was too big to take a proper swing at in one month with a full time job and a family.

With NagaDemon over, I have been trying to clean up my rule documents for submission to the Ion Award. I have three games that I will probably be submitting this year: Terran League of Defense RobotsThe Age of Vikings, and The Dragons' Game.

I think that I am furthest along with Age of Vikings, in that one I have finished moving all of the rules around, and I have caught a lot of the grammatical errors. I will still have to do more work, but I am feeling like this one will definitely make it in time.

The rules for Terran League of Defense Robots are currently being shuffled around. I need to look them over for grammar still, and I am not sure if I like all of the prose, but I am pretty sure that they at least have all of the parts, and the game is fair. I have also made some recent art changes, which will hopefully help the game. I darkened the color of the colored backgrounds, and added a more artistic play mat.

The Dragons' Game is the game that I am the least confidant about. It needs some art work, and the rules probably could be fixed up a decent amount. Fortunately it is a 2.25 page rule doc, and the art is not that extensive. Hopefully I can finish it up in time.

I am pretty happy with all of the games, however I recognize that the rule books need some serious work. With that in mind, I am probably going to be spending the whole month of December copyediting. If anyone wants to help I would be super grateful!


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