Back to BGDG

After being sick and Christmas and such things, I finally got back to a BGDG meeting. We played "The Citadel of Madness" with two of Daniel's ideas applied. The two ideas were: removing rounds in favor of "refreshing" periodically, and removing "madness" in favor of "device levels"

Here are my notes [comments], and things that I plan on trying out in the immediate future:
1 color cards are no longer nearly as good - play a card for both energy?
The low cost 4 type cost room cards might be too easy to complete - perhaps reduce their value.
Time is still confusing
1 action per turn is good - it speeds up the game.
Secret rooms?
Possible ways to make the game have take that element [as an aside, I don't really want to add that type of play, but I am faithfully typing up these note, so I am recording them here] wipe out one/multiple rooms as an action so that other players cannot score them, and swap point cards with other players.
Converters: a way to convert one type of energy to another.
Leveling up converters might be too powerful - either don't allow it, or perhaps only have one leveled up converter per player.
Lame actions: Gaining minions, storing energy, and playing cards for energy.
Gain more than one minion as an action? 1 for 1, 3 for 2, 6 for 3, 10 for 4 etc?
Store all energy of one type as an action? Store 2 energy as an action?
Scientist block your device from other player predation?
Is a device "pivot" too powerful? (changing the first output of a device)
Make changing first output of device more expensive? Impossible?
Build machines with branches and junctions. [A cool idea, however I am not sure that I am ready to do it immediately].
Make leveling up devices cost only energy? (2->level 3, 3-> level 2, etc.)


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