an idea

An idea mind dump:

Game design goal:
market affecting
secret goals
?hidden teams?

Board, canoes, pigs, trees, workers, fish, stones, statues, huts, bags, value track

two bags - one to pull from when starting each round, and one to place into when spending

After round, market is modified based on what was spent and what was not drawn:
Draw from draw bag and lower value of that item on the market
Draw from the discard bag and raise value of that item on the market

Reveal a number of things from the bag.
players bid a value, and the player that bid the lowest takes from the pile of draft things first, working up to the player with the most things. The player can take any value of things that matches what they bid.

After every player has taken from the draft, then players spend workers to do things with their resources. You may double spend workers which makes you discard them.

Resources: wood, stone, food

Things to make:

  • wood: canoes, huts, move statues,
  • stone: statues, big statues, roads,
  • food: workers, political influence, points
Area control scoring:
square board that is divided into quadrants, and quadrants are divided into quadrants recursively until smallest area is one square.

players can pick which quadrant is scored on any level.
  • points per statue in area
  • Bonus points to person with most presence
  • larger area gets bigger bonus

Each player  picks 1 quadrant to score per point of political influence they have (start with 1, and buy more). Political influence is more expensive the more is bought.

1st costs 1 food, 2nd costs 2 food, 3rd costs 3 food, etc


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