More Test Cards

This post will end up as a bit of an image dump.

I had a guy (Darin Shepit) commenting on my attempts to make Dave's great looking artwork into playable cards for my game (for those new to this story, I asked my Brother in law Dave to draw me robot parts for my WIP Dancing Robots game, and he just came through with about half of the drawings looking pretty much complete, so I decided that I needed to actually work on the formatting of the cards and so forth.)

To the left is my third attempt to make a card out of the art. Following Darin's advice I tried to remove all borders and place a shallow looking platform underneath the card (I also put one under the rule text, just to see what that would look like.
He also advised me to increase the contrast of the artwork (which ends up making the part stand out more). This is my second attempt, by the way. I ended up exporting this because before I could figure out how to make a good looking platform Alison said that it looked pretty good.

You can see here, that I have not yet entirely removed the border around the image, but I did remove the cyan glow (Not entirely necessary, since it only indicates that this card is a grasp (and therefore from the cyan colored deck))

For the record, this is the original artwork that Dave gave me for the Claw card

Finally, here is my first attempt at making a card out of it.

I am still not entirely happy with attempt 3. It is much better than 1 was, (mainly thanks to Darin's helpful advice), but now it has other problems: it seems that the support cost icon (the gray cube in the upper left corner) and the reminder icon (the gray square in the upper right corner) seem fairly out of place. As it is nearly midnight and I have work tomorrow I have to stop image editing at this moment.

I will come back to it tomorrow morning if the weather permits that I get to work a bit early. If not, it will probably wait till tomorrow night (I plan on playing Resistance at lunch tomorrow unless they can't find five - in the which case it will be the online version of Dancing Robots and perhaps some Coin Age)


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