More work on Grab The Loot

I had the guild look at Grab the Loot again. We played with 4 players, and had a good feedback session afterward. Here are my notes:

  • Not enough treasures changed hands - I need to up that!
  • Have a player that gives an extra blocker/worker?
  • Use a cube for the extra guy
  • Player that steals more?
  • More swaps to fix the treasures changing hands problem
  • Double your lowest item value as a player ability?
  • When cards fill up, discard them
  • What happened to the card that removed one person's meeple and gives one coin to that person?
  • Are coins too powerful? Perhaps 4 is a better scorepoint?
  • Cards that pay a coin to gain 2 items, or the reverse

All in all, I am ready to make some changes. I will likely have new PNP files ready in a day or two.

I have also made a lot of progress on playtesthub. It has the ability to add games, look at games, and mark games for playtesting. You just now need to be able to actually playtest them and give feedback.


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